Huber Polystat K6 cooling-heating bath with cc1 thermostat
The K6-models are compact cooling-heating bath thermostats for temperatures from -25 to 200°C. With the integrated pump adapter, this combination of miniature cooling bath and immersion circulators can also be used for closed external temperature controls. The temperature consistency is 0.02 K according to DIN 12876.
The K6 is a low-cost alternative to the Ministat 125, the smallest cooling-heating bath thermostat in the world. The Ministats are small in size and fully equipped: with revolution-controlled pressure-suction pump.
Technical specifications:
Voltage: 220-240 V
Current: 10 A
Heating capacity: 2.0 kW
Refrigerating capacity: 0.15 kW (at 0 °C)
Temperature range: -25 to 200 °C
Constancy of temperature: 0.02 K
Maximum discharge: 10 L / min
RPM: 3500 / min
Pressure: max 25 bar
Outer dimensions (W) x (D) x (H): 210 × 370 × 535 mm
Inner dimensions bath (W) x (D) x (H): 150 × 140 x 150 mm