This Millipore Cellasic Onix Microfluidic Platform delivers breakthrough control for live cell analysis experiments by combining the highest precision controls, maximum functionality, and simplified user operation. What you’ve always imagined can now be reality, using the CellASIC ONIX System to design dynamic cell biology experiments. The applications listed below are just a few of the exciting experiments you can perform with unprecedented precision:
Cell response over time
Interrogating 3D cell culture
Drug dose/response
Neural stem cell analysis
Host-Pathogen interactions
Hypoxic conditions to mimic tumor environments
Bacteria single cell analysis
Yeast single cell analysis
This platform consists of:
EV262 CellASIC ONIX Microfluidic System
MIC230 CellASIC ONIX Microincubator Controller
GM230 CellASIC ONIX Tri-Gas Mixer
F84-HE3 CellASIC ONIX Manifolds