Retsch Vibro sieve machine.
The Retsch Vibro is used mainly in research and development, quality control of raw materials, intermediate products and finished products, as well as for production monitoring.
This sieve machine can be used for the following materials: suspensions, powders and bulk solids.
One can use this sieve machine for fractionation, separation and particle size measurement.
Retsch sieve machine works with an electromagnetic drive.
This drive provides a 3D throwing motion, causing it to seven product evenly over the whole sieving surface is divided (throwing motion with angular momentum).
The advantage is a high stress capacity, extremely smooth operation and short sieving times with high separation efficiency.
Technical specifications:
Voltage: 230 Volts
Power: 430VA
Timer: 0 – 60 minutes
Amplitude: 0 -100
Excl. Retsch analysis sieves. These will be sold separately, see Art. No 3417 & Art. No 2732