The UV-1601 is used for transmission spectroscopy in the range from 190 nm to 1100 nm. Two lamps are used: a tungsten lamp covering the range from 350 nm to 1100 nm, and a deuterium lamp covering the range from 190 nm to 350 nm.
The instrument can be used in a scan spectrum mode, a kinetic mode and a quantitative analysis mode. Data collection and processing is controlled through the Shimadzu UV-Probe software.
The spectrometer comes with CPS-240A. This is a thermoelectric cell holder to keep the temperature of 6 cells at a constant temperature. The CPS-240A is for use with 10 mm rectangular cells.
Technical specifications:
Temperature setting range: 16-60°C
Temperature Accuracy: ±0.5°C
Temperature Control Precision: 0.1
Ambient temperature: 15-35°C
Voltage: 230 – 240 V
Power: 160 W
External dimensions (W) x (D) x (H): 600 x 800 x 300 mm
Weight: 18 kg (excl. CPS)