Spark Symbiosis Pro SPE-LC-MS
The Spark Symbiosis Pro SPE-LC-MS system is Spark Holland’s unique solution for integrated online SPE-LC-MS automation (XLC-MS). The system offers large flexibility in processing different types of samples selecting one of the three fully automated operational modes LC-MS (direct LC without SPE); XLC-MS (online SPE coupled to LC-MS); AMD (advanced method development).
Reliable injection performance
Well plates and vials
Sample cooling
HPLC and UHPLC version
Simultaneous sample prep & LC
Automated solvent mixing
Multi assay processing
Integrated software control in SparkLink, Analyst, Xcalibur and Masslynx
More samples per day per analyst
Generic templates for Acidic, Basic and Neutral compounds
Instant feedback during method optimizing
Almost every parameter defining a chromatographic separation is temperature dependent. Suffice it to say that temperature control provides an indispensable tool to optimize your HPLC or UHPLC assay.
5 – 90°C
Temperature gradient programming
Excellent temperature stability
Integrated solvent pre-heater
Vapour sensor
Automated column selection
High Pressure Dispensor:
The HPD was originally designed by Spark for SPE solvent delivery in on-line SPE-LC systems, but other applications are easy to imagine. Think of pre-column reagent addition for online derivatization in HPLC, post-column reagent addition for detection enhancement, etc.
Accurate volume delivery at controlled flow rates
Independent of backpressure up to 300 Bar
Selects from 4-24 solvents/ samples.
Off-line SPE (Solid Phase Extraction) provides cartridge refreshment for every sample, avoiding the risk of retention change and carry-over.
On-line SPE (or column switching, or 2D LC) permits use of small sorbent particles for efficient SPE plus elution of the sample directly into the LC system by the mobile phase. Maximum SPE efficiency plus maximum SPE-LC automation.
System consists of:
Spark Conditioned Stacker Model 931
Spark Autosampler Model 930
Spark LC-Pump Model 750 (x2)
Spark High Pressure Dispensor Model 730 (x2)
Spark ACE Model 725
Spark Mistral Model 885