Simple and budget friendly
When simplicity and budget matter, The InGenius3 gel documentation and analysis system is compact, easy to use and offers an affordable route to gel capture and analysis. Using many of the features found on the higher specification Syngene products, the InGenius3 makes a simple but sophisticated system for any laboratory.
High performance
The InGenius3 uses a high performance 3m pixel camera. The darkroom assembly is easily connected to a PC. GeneSys image acquisition software quickly and easily enables images to be captured, archived and edited if required.
The Syngene InGenius3 can be used for the following applications:
- DNA, one can use the UV transilluminator to capture images of DNA gels stained with Ethidium Bromide, SYNR dyes and many other fluorophores.
- Blue Light, the blue light LED transilluminator allows you to view some fluorescent stains with better clarity and with less damage to DNA.
- Visible Light, with the transmitted visible light converter InGenius can be used to view gels which hav been stained with silver and Comassie blue. You can also view tissues, slides an films.
- AutoRads, Ingenius features a mega resolution camera which is ideal for capturing images requiring high detail.
- Spot blods, capturing and analyzing spot blods is another very simple application for InGenius and Gene Tools software.
The Syngene InGenius3 has following features:
- Compact darkroom with sliding door – 40.0(w) x 30.0(h) x 37.5(d) cms
- 3 million pixel camera
- 12/16 bit images (0 – 65,535 grey levels dynamic range)
- Filter drawer
- UV to visible light converter screen (option)
- GeneTools analysis software
- Connect to any PC
- Transilluminators (option)
Technical specifications:
Voltage: 220-240 V
Current: 2 A
Outer dimensions (W) x (D) x (H): 40 x 38 x 68 cm