Fat Analyzer Tecator Soxtec System HT2 comprises 1045 Extraction Unit 1046 Service Unit Specification.
Extraction is used to isolate soluble matter such as Grufat, additives, pesticides and critical minor constituents from complex materials. Extraction analysis is traditionally based an the Soxhlet principle because of its worldwiaccepted ac curacy and reproducibility. However, conventional Soxhlet analysis involves tedious and time consuming manual work and explosion risks. The patented design of the Soxtec System HT2 makes it pos sible to perform extractions using a wirange of solvents, in a quicker, safer and more economical way compared to Soxhlet extractions. The combination of the Soxtec extraction technique and the wirange of solvent use makes the Soxtec System HT2 a flexible and powerful tool in the analysis of soluble com pounds from materials such as: food, feed, soil, fibres, chemi cal technical products and pharmaceuticals.
Samples to be analysed are weighed into thimbles and in serted into the Extraction Unit. After solvent addition to the extraction cups, the soluble material is extracted into the sol vent in a two stage process followed by a solvent recovery cycle. Finally the extraction cups are dried and weighed.
The Service Unit supplies the Extraction Unit with hot oil to achieve solvent evaporation. The tubing connecting the Ex traction and Service Units, is deigned to withstand the use of hot oil, and allows constant temeratures. The lenght of the tubing permits the units to be placed in separate rooms.
The Service Unit is also equipped with an air pump for evaporation of the last traces of solvent from the extraction cups.
Capacity per batch: 2 samples. Speed of extraction: 30 – 60 min. Timble volume: ca 25ml.
In the Extraction Unit, solvent extraction is done in two steps. At first the sample is immersed in the boiling solvent to dissolve most of the soluble material. In the second step the sample is raised above the solvent surface to permit an efficient washing of the sample with solvent from the con densers.
After extraction the condenser valves are closed by turning the valve knobs a quarter turn. After some minutes most of the solvent is collected in the condenser. The last residue of solvent is evaporated when the air valves are opened.
The Service Unit supplies the Extraction Unit with hot oll or water from a built in tank. The heating medium is pumped from the Service Unit to the hot plates in the Extraction Unit. In the Service Unit there is also a pump providing an air flow for solvent evaporation.
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Tecator Soxtec Fat analyzer
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Location: DS2LStatus: UsedWarranty: 1 month